Wednesday, March 30, 2011

through the tough stuff

After Brandon and I had talked about what our relationship was it was great. We made a point to see each other every 2 weeks. we figured that long distance was hard enough, let make it a goal to see each other. So thats what happened. 2 weeks later I flew out to Albuquerque and met Brandon at the airport. He then took me on out first official date which was beautiful. We went up to the Sandia Peaks, and ate dinner together and it was so great. The beginning of relationships are fun(not that they are not longer fun once you get to know one another) but your giddy all the time, you blush, and just are getting to know each other you start to learn about the little quirks they have, and its great.
So this was the first weekend I was meeting Brandon's family. I was very nervous. We ended up going to the mountains that weekend and rode quads for a day, and just laughed. I almost killed us while I was driving which Brandon responded with "sweetheart, you need to use the brake." haha it was very funny. We carved out initials into a huge rock, and I loved it. We still have yet to visit that rock since we carved into it.
So we continued to see each other about every two weeks and it was awesome.
Now don't think that our relationship is perfect, it had/has flaws. we are not perfect people and there were moments when I though that we were finished. There were a few as a matter of fact.
They were usually the times where we weren't seeing each other on a regular basis, or when Brandon was taking is finals, or when I was taking mine. It was when we were beyond stressed and not really knowing what to do.
We made it through. By God's will not by our own.
I was looking through one of my old journals and I wrote" Lord if this isn't what you want for me...end it now, protect out hearts, and end it. quick and painless"
There are always moments when you don't really know where to go from that point. We have had a few of those, and the only reason our relationship has survived is because of God. That was our common ground. That was where we always went back to when we strayed.
I knew that I was changing in this relationship(for the good)  when Brandon and I were seriously arguing ( i would just like to add that this RARELY happens, we will argue about stupid stuff...but never like this)
and I was frustrated, and hurt, just as he was. My response to this was:
" I will talk to you later I don't want to argue. I'm going to go."
 He said:
"Christian we dont just get off the phone. lets tough it out, even if it sucks we need to hash it out."
sure enough we did. and we are stronger, and closer because of it.

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