Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Part 4: DTR(define the relationship)

After Brandon left, I knew I liked him alot. and I knew something was different. This may sounds lame, and stereotypical but when you know, you know. 
We continued to write each other, and still talk on the phone. 
In one of his letters he mentioned that he had though about inviting me to go to Canada with him, because one of his college friends was getting married...then he went onto say that he thought it may be awkward for me, but it was something he though about. When I read that I FREAKED out. I mean...what girl wouldn't? 
I was driving to phoenix with my mom and brother for the weekend and I got a text from him that said:
and I said that I would love to go....his next question was:
Chicken or beef?
hah I thought it was funny. 
little did I know he had purchased my flight out there a few weeks before he even asked me=) he was pretty confident that I would say yes. and he sure was right=)
So we are still not dating. and I was flying to Canada with this guy.... I didn't know anyone, any of his friends, the bride that was getting married. Brandon was it...and we were just friends, and he was a boy. I mean thats kinda scary!
I was SO nervous to see him again, my heart was beating so fast that I could hear it, and I though the guy sitting next to me could also.
sidenote: I packed WAY to much stuff. I was nervous and didn't know what I would need to wear. so I brought 2 suitcases....for 3 days. gosh thats a tad ridiculous. 

The moment I saw him, all of that went away. I still had butterflies because it was Brandon, and he has killer eyes, and is so cute! but the fear went away.
so I meet his friends and it was great. Shout out to Kevin Kanzelmeyer, he was the first one of Brandons friends to pursue me. not in a weird way, but just get to know me. 
I had met Jordan, who was getting married...but I mean I am sure he had much more on his mind other than his friends new girl. so this is in no way a put down to the other me they are all stinkin awesome! 
but Kevin thanks, for being the one to ask me questions. you have no idea how nervous I was.
so after this things got weird, I got asked twice if Brandon and I were engaged(awkward)... and then stayed at Erins house(the bride...side note she is in my wedding! Erin and I became close after out interactions became more common) and shout out to Erins sweet family. Who seriously welcomed me with open arms. her mom and sister are such great people! They are just so full of love. 
but the next day was awesome we went sailing, which was beautiful and just enjoyed the company that we were with. then Brandon and I decided to go swimming. It was just him and I everyone else had gone somewhere else. I figured that I should bring up this whole weird thing that was going on.
so I had though about what I might say over and over again. when I actually said it, it sounded nothing like what I had planned.
We were about to get in  and Brandon picked me up and jumped in the pool, it was cold. so then we laid on the deck and just talked. Perfect opportunity. 
So I said "Brandon, what is this? what are we?"
then once that was out we were good... we then talked about how he had been wanting to bring it up, and didnt really know how to and how he wanted to pursue me in a Godly way, and wanted to do out relationship   right. so thats when we had out DTR. He did like me.
That weekend was one of my favorites, we danced, laughed, made jokes, barely slept at all ,had out first kiss and just wanted to be by each other. we were drawn to each other. and it was so great. 
So that was the start. 
we were now official. 


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! I didn't know you were engaged! Crazy! So excited for you Christian!!!

    Just useless side notes for you-

    1. Christian is my favorite name

    2. I love Canada...

    SOOO needless to say I LOVED your post and am SO excited for you girly! If you need ANY weddding/engagement/girly advice let me know. I'll be praying for you and Brandon =]

  2. Thank you so much!
    Its going great so far...a tad bit stressful,school work, and planning a wedding but it is going so smooth..praise Jesus.
    and I definitely will let you know! your so great!

  3. Thanks, and if you need to borrow or take any wedding stuff off of my hands you totally can! I have an used veil, lanterns, candles, and probably some other random things.

  4. Thank you so much! I might just end up doing that!
    any words of wisdom?

  5. YES I do lol:

    DO NOT sweat the small stuff (If you guys get in a little argument, try to stop and recognize whether or not its worth fighting about.)

    Pray for your relationship with him everyday. Pray that God would mold both of you to be like Him.

    Be silly together =]
