Friday, March 25, 2011

This is going to be a random post. 
Whenever I get antsy I think if things to blog about. I am beyond antsy.
I am re-reading this book
and I am in need of celebration because lately life seems to be consisting of to-dos, school, and sleep. 
it is a great book, even though some of it may be a little cheesy it is good. there were a few things I wanted to share that stuck out to me. 
side note:when you are closer to being engaged, or to me married, or to start a new school you  hear and read more things about that topic that you normally would. its a great thing. so she is talking about how her and her husband( married for 2 weeks) reacted when September 11th happened, and it really hit my heart. 
"That's how families get made. Not by ceremonies or certificates and not by parties and celebrations. Family gets made when you decide to hold hands and sit shoulder to shoulder when it seems like the sky is falling. Family gets made when the world becomes strange and disorienting and the only face you recognize is his. Family gets made when the future obscures itself like a solar eclipse , and in the intervening darkness, you decide that no matter what happens in the night, you'll face it as one." 
I thought that this was a pretty big deal. Its true, a paper doesn't make Brandon and I a family. its going to be the moments when we face the scary things together as one. when we choose to sit, hold hands, and cry. Thats whats going to make us a family. 
There was another little bit that I really liked. 
"After a decade of broken,painful relationships, and the scare, and heartbreak that go with them, Amy stood looking out over our city, surrounded by both families, as she married Austin, a man who is all the things she hoped for, and all the things that those men never were. Amy was a glowing bride, flushed with beauty and even more so with love. "
I am so thankful that Brandon is a man who is all the things I hoped for, and all the things that those other men never were. 
if you haven't realized it yet, I am SO excited to get married. I get to marry my best friend. what should be stressful about that? 
I am thinking about wearing this necklace on my wedding day, except with a "s" for Stone. 
I am trying to find shoes for the wedding....seriously I have bought and returned about 8 pairs of shoes.
this seriously melts my heart, and when Brandon and I have kids...this will be happening.
I am currently sitting at a coffee shop, with 5 different travel books about Ireland, trying to figure out fun places to go, and see on out honeymoon. This looks pretty awesome.
hope your day is full of sunshine.

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