Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Part 2: letters

So the first time I met Brandon I think that it's safe to say I seriously wasn't looking. I was actually pretty weirded out....  I was working on the zip line on that day of welcome at camp. When this guy came up to me put a cowboy hat on my head and asked me to hold it.( if were being honest I don't remember him doing this...I just remember some super random guy put a cowboy hat on me. Brandon is the one who told me it was actually him) I then awkwardly wore this hat(after I asked Lexi if this was totally weird) until they came down the zip line, gathered their belongings, and went on their way. Later that night I was sitting in the deck outside of the dinning room and was talking to my friend lexi and was saying how I really wanted to travel and see the world. Brandon was casually  listening to my conversation and spoke up and said  "oh I have traveled, I back packed across Europe for 6 weeks" it was history from there.
well kinda...we spent that week doing what were at camp for, me serving on the ropes course, and him leading his young life guys. but in between that we just got to know one another. They(brandon and his guys) would come and sit where I was working for a few hours a day and just chat. I learned a lot about Brandon in that week. You can learn alot about someone when you can watch them lead their kids.
And whether I knew it or not, I was beginning to fall in love with his heart, his heart for ministry, and how innocent our relationship started out. He left that week of camp without my number, with out a goodbye hug, and with just a "see ya later" .
two days later I received a letter.
This started a serious of letters that I eagerly awaited. While I would be working at the zip line lexi and I would each take turns running up to check the mail, and if their was a letter we would each let out a really high pitched squeal, and then read it over and over again.
To this day you can read me a line from a letter, and I will know what was going on at that time in my life, or where it was written from. I cherish those letters, and always will. they are so dear to my heart.
This was the best thing we could have done. It was a sincere "lets just get to know one another"
We wrote each other back and fourth for a few months, then it would be a casual text, and then a phone call. I remember the first time we talked on the phone, I was so nervous I had topics written down....

1 comment:

  1. I am loving reading your story of how you came to be engaged! God put you in each others lives for a reason!!
