Monday, January 31, 2011

Your grace is sufficient

I am sitting in a book store with the snow falling just a few feet away, and a delicious fruity hot tea at hand.

I may or may not of had a hard time driving this morning....

(I will say this, growing up with 0 snow makes snow THAT much more exciting...except when your sliding down the hill outside of your house and you can just muster out a quick prayer "Oh Jesus please don't let me hit that tree".)
But I really do love these cozy days.
I am currently taking a yoga class.... haha yes.
and it is so great! (minus the weird things that the teacher may say...) I have made it a goal of mine to let that time while I am sitting there, staring out those 2 huge glass walls that look out onto beautiful trees to have that be sweet Jesus time.
To really meditate on a verse, kind ignore what the teacher says(about  karma& letting go of it, and let your spirit guide you... ) Today the verse that I mediated on is this. ( I will most likely meditate on it in the next few classes too)
She is clothed in strength and dignity Proverbs 31:25
If you read all of proverbs 31 and your a WILL feel inspired.
Inspired to be like the wife that is talked about.
It says that she is worth more than rubies.
My teacher also told us to think of words while we inhale and exhale( if you have ever taken a yoga class alot of it is breathing....) She suggested some pretty hippie ones, being one with the earth... hah it is pretty funny.
But mine was Grace.
Inhale exhale....Grace.
It was a good morning thanks to Jesus.
and I could dig this.

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