Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2 things you told me;that you are strong and you Love me.

I am currently in Kingman, sweet old hometown. Some times it sweet, sometimes not so much. It has snowed here which is strange. It usually doesn't snow here too much. we are in the middle of 2 extreme seasons. Our winters aren't too cold, and our summers aren't too hot. Which is nice.
Lately I have had a craving for Flagstaff. The silence of snow, walking down town. Coffee shops on all different corners, great books. and listening to sweet songs that just make you want to bundle up and wander. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7wnWrortA&feature=player_embedded#!

It reminds me of Colorado, the feeling of being all bundled and warm ,and the cold just inches from your warm body. The silence of snow. I don't know if you have ever been some where that snows a lot, but if you have you know what I mean. with those big snow flakes falling around you things are just put to silence. like you are the only one around for miles and its okay. its not an creepy eerie thing, it just that when you walk around within a few minutes your footsteps will be covered up by the new snow.

I love the analogy that says when we are forgiven we are then as white as snow. That picture is brought to life when you live somewhere that snows. (except when it gets that muck black snow.... not okay. )
Living in Flagstaff I feel so blessed by the community that is there. always there to catch you when you fall,hold you, sit with you while you cry, and pray for you. Especially my roommates. How dear they are too me. and how many times they have caught me, sat with me, and prayed with me. But it was in the middle of finals week which is pretty stressful and they decided to have a worship night. what a sweet blessing it was.
Gathered by people who you may not not but you are all worshiping the same God. We sang thing song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA7YIqWzKfQ&feature=related 
and since then it has been close to my heart. such a great song.
(side note I have recently become semi obsessed with John Foreman. He is fantastic....gosh so good.)

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