Friday, August 20, 2010


I am currently sitting on my couch, with the office playing in the background, and my eyes are still adjusting from waking up. My little brother is visit me for a few days, and the man inspires me.This is why.

He has shown me what true faith is, how to trust God no matter what. When everyone else is saying take things into your own hands. He turns around prayers, and gives it to God.

I have seen him go from a boy to a man in a month. I could not have been more blessed by our month together.

Challenge California
I have been apart of his baptism, and it was one of my most favorite moments in my life. To be apart of him, making a true statement of his outward commitment to Jesus. It bought tears of joy.

(by the way I would just like to mention I just got up to get my laptop charger, and I have a blister the size of Texas on the back of my foot, and it hurts terribly.... oh goodness..)

In this very moment I could not be more proud of the man my brother is. I know that every path in his life, is going to bring him to Jesus, and a life that is full of promise.

He has a heart for Young Life, and will be a great leader, he is capable of doing so much. I can guarantee you, he will be an amazing leader.

He is my best friend. I wouldn't want any one else as a brother, He is an amazing man of God. whose faith blows me away.

Buddy, you inspire me to be a better sister, leader, girlfriend, daughter, and a follower of Jesus. Thank you for having unfailing Faith in Jesus. People are attracted to that. Love you Bud.

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