Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brandons home!

Brandon and I -Canada

Brandon and I Grand Canyon 

Brandon and I Los Alamos 

Brandon and I in Denver

Today is a special day, a day that Brandon comes home! yay!

For those of you that didn't know, he has been in Africa for the past 4 weeks serving, and today he comes home. I say home like I get to see him, but I really don't.

Its so encouraging to be with someone who not only Love Christ, but also inspires you to love Him more. and Brandon encourages me daily, even if he is over 9000 miles way.

Every day I will walk to our mailbox in hopes that I have a letter.

He wrote me these little notes before he left for Africa, and has been having them mailed to me so its like I get to talk to him. (awwwwwww, isn't that so sweet? He is the best... such a great guy)

Going into this I knew that it would be hard for him to come home. (Its kinda like when I do summer staff...but ten times better. Because your going to want to tell everyone about your experience and how you saw Gods hand at work.You can tell them as many stories as you want but really they won't fully understand all of it until they are right there with you by your side.)

But Brandon, I can't wait to hear about it. I am sure a piece of your heart was left there. and you fell in love with the kids you worked with, your heart was broken then mended, tears were shed, of joy and sorrow. But you were exactly where God wanted you to be. you were serving him, every child you threw in the air, every hug and smile you gave. Gods smiling, because He is so proud of you. Thank you for being willing to follow Gods will, and not only serve, but serve in another Country.

 B I have missed you terribly.You will be such a great sight to see.

Brandon and I Lake Havasu (This was our first time hanging out... after camp)

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