Thursday, August 19, 2010

I gave me away.

I have been wanting to start a new blog, just because blogger is more user friendly .

I am starting a new chapter in my life. Which consists of me now living in a new house. all on my own.

There is quit a bit of change in my life...but its been nothing but great. 

I think its great to talk about life,whats going on, and to just be honest. to the 3 people that read this. but whatever.

Right now its almost midnight, and it always seems like I am inspired to being new things at night. when I am tired. but, oh well here I am still typing away listening to a killer playlist from sweet Cass.

I think laughter is the key to a lot of things. Some times its to just bring joy to conversation, or sometimes to lighten the mood.
(I often find my self making stupid jokes at awkward times... but I mean it works.... girls do you remember cabin time? I mean it always called for a dinosaur impression when things get a tad bit too heavy) 
Thank you Sarah for being such a great leader, and being willing to look like a fool. Oh what we will do so kids will love Jesus. 

But I feel like no matter how many jokes I say,how many stupid dance moves I can do, there is a constant. A constant always in the back of my mind, and its that I am His.  there is always something I come back to. This song is it for me. These lyrics, truly say where I am in my walk with Jesus.
"When you walk through the water, I will be with you. When you pass through the river the waves they will not over take you. When you walk through the fire those flames they will not touch you.
 You are Mine. You are mine. "

hope you are encouraged. God loves us so much. Look at the start, the trees,  the sunrises and sunsets. It will take your breathe away. 

1 comment:

  1. Big fan of the new blog. New chapter, new blog. CHEYEA
