Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Matthew 23:26

yes indeed we are cool. even with awesome face paint.
Today I woke up, got ready talked on the phone to sweet Sarah!  
then rode my bike down to Macys( a great coffee shop that pretty close to my house)
read my book, my bible, and journaled.
Read in Matthew today, chapter 23 to be exact... and this verse really struck my heart.(maybe because we just talked about it at church on Sunday? great sermon by the way shawn.. )

You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean.

 Matthew 23:26

but this verse really speaks a lot to me, just in everything that has been going on in my life. so now its written on my hand, so that when I look down I can see it.
Brandons great at photography. and I really love this picture& I was laying in the hammock when he took this! 
his face is priceless. 
A picture that makes my heart smile 
every day when I get onto the internet, this is my new home page
And I am super excited that I get to see Brandon 3 weekends in a row! 
better believe it. 
yesterday was the first day of class,which was great, and now I am off to 2 more classes. looks like my tuesdays and thursdays will be pretty chill. which is awesome. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My new room!

This is my new room...and I love it! I got this sweet book of stencils that I love so much.... and this color that is just divine. (thanks oops home depot department.... 5 bucks...thats whats up. )
Props: Kaley you are so great at those elephants. and I loved our sweet conversations while stenciling our little hearts out. love you sweet girl. 


Aren't these adorable elephants? 

Leaves, that I love.
here is a close up of them
all of the sweet little notes that I got from Brandon while he was in Africa....love them! 

Brandons home!

Brandon and I -Canada

Brandon and I Grand Canyon 

Brandon and I Los Alamos 

Brandon and I in Denver

Today is a special day, a day that Brandon comes home! yay!

For those of you that didn't know, he has been in Africa for the past 4 weeks serving, and today he comes home. I say home like I get to see him, but I really don't.

Its so encouraging to be with someone who not only Love Christ, but also inspires you to love Him more. and Brandon encourages me daily, even if he is over 9000 miles way.

Every day I will walk to our mailbox in hopes that I have a letter.

He wrote me these little notes before he left for Africa, and has been having them mailed to me so its like I get to talk to him. (awwwwwww, isn't that so sweet? He is the best... such a great guy)

Going into this I knew that it would be hard for him to come home. (Its kinda like when I do summer staff...but ten times better. Because your going to want to tell everyone about your experience and how you saw Gods hand at work.You can tell them as many stories as you want but really they won't fully understand all of it until they are right there with you by your side.)

But Brandon, I can't wait to hear about it. I am sure a piece of your heart was left there. and you fell in love with the kids you worked with, your heart was broken then mended, tears were shed, of joy and sorrow. But you were exactly where God wanted you to be. you were serving him, every child you threw in the air, every hug and smile you gave. Gods smiling, because He is so proud of you. Thank you for being willing to follow Gods will, and not only serve, but serve in another Country.

 B I have missed you terribly.You will be such a great sight to see.

Brandon and I Lake Havasu (This was our first time hanging out... after camp)

Friday, August 20, 2010


I am currently sitting on my couch, with the office playing in the background, and my eyes are still adjusting from waking up. My little brother is visit me for a few days, and the man inspires me.This is why.

He has shown me what true faith is, how to trust God no matter what. When everyone else is saying take things into your own hands. He turns around prayers, and gives it to God.

I have seen him go from a boy to a man in a month. I could not have been more blessed by our month together.

Challenge California
I have been apart of his baptism, and it was one of my most favorite moments in my life. To be apart of him, making a true statement of his outward commitment to Jesus. It bought tears of joy.

(by the way I would just like to mention I just got up to get my laptop charger, and I have a blister the size of Texas on the back of my foot, and it hurts terribly.... oh goodness..)

In this very moment I could not be more proud of the man my brother is. I know that every path in his life, is going to bring him to Jesus, and a life that is full of promise.

He has a heart for Young Life, and will be a great leader, he is capable of doing so much. I can guarantee you, he will be an amazing leader.

He is my best friend. I wouldn't want any one else as a brother, He is an amazing man of God. whose faith blows me away.

Buddy, you inspire me to be a better sister, leader, girlfriend, daughter, and a follower of Jesus. Thank you for having unfailing Faith in Jesus. People are attracted to that. Love you Bud.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pictures that make my heart smile

Bekah and I, hanging out next to our fire!
Our sweet Fire, in our back yard!
The sweet girl who I miss terribly. Sarah came out for a nice little visit!

This song will brighten your day:


I gave me away.

I have been wanting to start a new blog, just because blogger is more user friendly .

I am starting a new chapter in my life. Which consists of me now living in a new house. all on my own.

There is quit a bit of change in my life...but its been nothing but great. 

I think its great to talk about life,whats going on, and to just be honest. to the 3 people that read this. but whatever.

Right now its almost midnight, and it always seems like I am inspired to being new things at night. when I am tired. but, oh well here I am still typing away listening to a killer playlist from sweet Cass.

I think laughter is the key to a lot of things. Some times its to just bring joy to conversation, or sometimes to lighten the mood.
(I often find my self making stupid jokes at awkward times... but I mean it works.... girls do you remember cabin time? I mean it always called for a dinosaur impression when things get a tad bit too heavy) 
Thank you Sarah for being such a great leader, and being willing to look like a fool. Oh what we will do so kids will love Jesus. 

But I feel like no matter how many jokes I say,how many stupid dance moves I can do, there is a constant. A constant always in the back of my mind, and its that I am His.  there is always something I come back to. This song is it for me. These lyrics, truly say where I am in my walk with Jesus.
"When you walk through the water, I will be with you. When you pass through the river the waves they will not over take you. When you walk through the fire those flames they will not touch you.
 You are Mine. You are mine. "

hope you are encouraged. God loves us so much. Look at the start, the trees,  the sunrises and sunsets. It will take your breathe away. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Blog

I am starting a new blog.

This is a link to the old one, If you feel so inclined you can read up on it!
