Monday, May 7, 2012

Singing a Joyfull song

To say that I love my job would be an understatement. I will rewind and explain. I live just 2 blocks away from an elementary school who has a ton of amazing women working at. ( not joking... they are AMAZING) 
I wasn't planning on working until I was done with school...
 but plans change. 
Over half (12 credits exactly) of my classes were dropped due to not enough students. that means that I would only be taking 3 classes, and staying at home... not to excited.
A few days later I get a call from a friend that works at Aspen( the school) saying that there is a position as an IA in math and reading and I should apply for it. I did, and 2 days later I had an interview. It went amazing, they loved me, and I loved them. best interview that I have  EVER had. 
turns out I didn't get the job. 
I was crushed, and confused because it went so great! but I just tried not to stress too much and look around elsewhere.
2 weeks later the same friend calls me. Saying that the principal was wondering if I was still interested in a job.
 If so I should come in for an interview. 
This was a little different. 
I would be working with a little girl who was 6 years old, who had a massive brain surgery (removed the entire right side of her brain due to uncontrollable seizures) and she was going back to school and they needed someone to work with her, be with her, and help her catch up. 
I was nervous, like really nervous. I had NO experience with brain injuries, let alone seizures. But I went in, again the interview went great. I got a call a few hours later and was offered the job. It was very apparent that God had kept this job for me, and that I was suppose to do it. 
I go and meet this sweet girl, and her family the next day and I fall in love with her. 
She is a gem. 
She had blonde curly wiry hair.
the cutest crooked smile anyone has ever seen.
weighs a whopping 35 pounds(guessing)
and melts my heart.
Before I got the job I was talking to some women about the job I would be interviewing for, and was explaining to a lady who I would be working with, and what I would be doing.
 She said to me "I have been praying for a Christian person to work with her. And your name is Christian. God is funny like that". 
I have been with sweet Brianna since January.
I think that this would be the closest to loving a child as much as my own.  
Every day I am with her from 8-12.
I love my job, I see joy daily. 
I see barriers being broken that people never expected her to do.
I see a fireball of a girl.

I see a loving girl. 
I see why God loves her so much.

I am so blessed by her, her mom, and her family. I am praying daily for this sweet family. 
I am challenged, stretched, and getting so much out of it. God is good, and faithful. I believe that he will do great things with sweet Bri. 

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