Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wedding III

To say that life has been hectic in the past 2 months would be a very safe understatement. Its funny that Before school started I was bored out of my mind... now I am trying to just catch a break. wellI have and I am going to blog- its been far too long. I will finihs the whole wedding story.
SO the day of my wedding started out like any other day- really it didnt hit me until I put on my wedding dress. BUt I got up packed my bags- told my bridesmaids I would see them soon and I went and met up with my mom dad and brother and showed them out house in Los alamos. Because LA opened up the day of our wedding! ha- funny funny. So I hugn out with them then went and got my hair done with my sweet mama ( got my face burned in the process.....(no joke she burned my face with a salon curling iron. and by the end of the night I had a pretty awesome scab.) I figured I havent really freaked out over much, why freak out over a burn? Well then we went to nanas house and finished getting ready. Sarah did my makeup and then it was go time- dress is going on. I put in on then it hit me,I am getting married! holy cow! we have made it! praise Jesus! Then we sat there and waited to go take pictures which was fun and then went back to nanas and sat. and sat. and sat. Then we got ready to go and my dad came to get me. MAN was that emotional! It was precious and I loved it!...more later I have to get to class!

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