Friday, October 21, 2011


So my dad came and got me and I watched each of thees girls that I loved dearly walk out ahead of me. Then I saw my Aunt and cousin Nadia (She is SO cute) and Nadia was having a hard time getting it together she was the flower girl. So my aunt Andie was the first one to see me and she was so funny! Then I heard the song I was walking out to which was this song.. and then it was game time. I would like to say that I was pretty nervous for walkin down the isle. I mean this is every girls moment, where all eyes are on her and its fantastic. Well to be honest that made me a little nervous and I think that you could tell by how fast i started out walking. Then my Dad (thank you Jesus) said we should slow down- and then I saw him. It was that moment of- nothing else matters at all. We are here on this day marrying each other because this is what God had planned for us. And he looked so handsome! Then the ceremony was done. Not really but it FLEW by. I feel like it lasted maybe 15 minutes? which we wanted a quick ceremony (and good thing because the shoes I was wearing were killing my feet.) literally right when we walked out of sight where people could no longer see is I ripped off my shoes and put on my flats. Then we went off and took pictures with or wedding party came back and we introduced as Mr & Mrs Stone to this awesome song.. we wanted to kick off being mr and mrs stone dancing and enjoying all of the lovely people around us. which is exactly what we did! and thans to Kyle and (soon to be Mr & MRs ) Gretta we had great music! Then it was time for us to go. We gathered all of our belongings and were ready to leave. Only to come out to getting pegged in the face with a bucket of bird seed (jake or brett...was that you?!) and to see our car covered in (semi inappropriate) comments and our car filled with glitter. seriously they dumped glitter down out vents! Not okay! to this day its still like a party every time we turn on our vents. We get shot in the face with glitter. The first few times it was funny, but after a while it gets a little old. The we were off! the next day we were heading to Ireland. It was such relief that we were married. That may sound weird but everything had been flipped upside down, and I felt like we were put to the test to see how we would deal. We were now one, and were off to spent 2 weeks in Ireland! So awesome...
So the next morning we woke up packed out bags and headed to the airport for 2 transfer flights then a 5 1/2  hour flight that goes to Dublin( 5 1/2 hours doesn't sound too bad until your sitting in a seat for 5 1/2 hours and just want to lay down. Then it gets a little annoying)  We make it through the first few flights then the long one- so we were on the plane when we should have been sleeping which was weird, i had a ton of movies to choose from  and sleep was needed. But we finally arrive to the absolutely stunning Ireland- green every where! and it was 6am there. We are like zombie status tired, and look the part. We get our rental car and we are off o County Sligo which was where we spent the first part of our honeymoon. We get to out cottage which looked exactly as it sounds cute cozy, fire place, and sheep everywhere! We crashed, well the plan was to stay up as late as we could which was about noon, and the sleep. So we slept and then woke up. I though it was the next morning,like convinced we had slept from noon to 6am the next day. which was not true. Brandon said "did you ever wake up and see it dark out?" nope. end of thought.

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