Monday, February 28, 2011

This may be a little cheesy. but I love it. they are so stinkin cool.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Part 1:Loving myself

I know its been a while but I think that this may be the first time I have actually had a little while to just sit, and kinda be. so I decided I am LONG over do for a blog post.
So if you already didn't know but I am officially engaged. I don't think that it has really hit me yet.Yes everyone keeps saying "oh congrats!" and I cannot stop smiling... and Brandon and I are planning out little hearts out...but every time I look at my left hand I forget that there is a beautiful ring on my finger.
I just want to say that I am completely overwhelmed with so many different emotions
the first and most exciting is that I get to marry my favorite person in the world. and I still cannot believe that it is all happening. Brandon is by far one of the best things that has happened to me. For those of you that are not engaged...hold out. and hang on...there IS going to be the most amazing man in the world(who is far greater than you could EVER imagine) who is going to be head over heels for you, and someday ask for your hand in marriage.
I would like to say that it is by the grace of God that we are here, preparing our lives together.
It is not by our own doing that we are here, It is the will of God. and I am so thankful for that.
As I look back on my life over the past 2 years I am reminded of different emotions.
About 2 years ago I was working at Lost Canyon(Young Life camp in Williams AZ) and I was talking with a girl who has just gotten engaged. I was asking her how it happened,the date... and then I asked something that would truly begin to shape my journey over the next two years. I asked: "how did it feel to have someone ask you to spend the rest of your life with them? I couldn't even imagine someone asking me that." That was the start of a journey to salvage my self worth. You see I was really good at loving people...not so much myself. It was a journey of prayer, tears, and lots of figuring stuff out. Once I had become okay and trusted Jesus that I really do deserved to be loved that was He wants me to be  pursued... Two days later I met Brandon.
and thats where I journey began.
I am going to continue blogging on how our relationship grew from there. But there is just the beginning=)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So this is how sweet Brandon proposed to me on February 18th. It was easily the best day of my life. trust me, there will be a much more detailed post on this! thank you for everyone's love, and blessings.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

oh Lord.
I am in Albuquerque and I am a little lost.
I am here to meet with an advisor at UNM and plan my life next few semesters of school.  
Do you ever go to places and feel like you are completely out of place and people can take 1 look at you and know that you don't belong?
thats how I feel.
maybe its the warm weather, and  I am wearing winter clothes.( I will be going to my car and changing) ...maybe its that I am not sure if I parked some where legal.Maybe its because everyone in here seems 10 times cooler than me. Maybe its that I have no flipping idea where I am. 
its a coffee shop.
thats all I know. 
And to be honest I HATE meeting with advisors. 
I am not sure why but there is just something that rubs me the wrong way.
I think they should have a get to know you session. ha- you know like "lets talk about what you love to do, what are your passions"
instead of...."have a seat, what classes do you want to take? you want to be a teacher? really?" 
here we go. 

Jesus. you know me and my heart. guide me. and please help me not look like a fool. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

You're Beautiful

I am studying and some how get a little distracted.
things that made my heart leap:
the nice weather out. oh bike how I have missed you.
having lunch with sweet Kaley
The adorable old couple that are sitting not too far from me sharing a doughnut and reading books. (the husband walked over and said" happy Valentines day love. You are just as beautiful as the day I met you." awwwwwww. my heart is on the ground , I am looking forward to doing that when I am old and married. drinking coffee and sharing doughnuts and reading books together)
This video
& seeing a guy riding a bike with daisies in his backpack.
have a beautiful day.
tell someone that you think they are beautiful. and why you love them. It will be sure to put a smile on their face.