Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grace means your holding me too.

I am sitting at our dining room table with stacks of paper every where around me
(yes, its time to pick classes for next semester, and all that fun stuff)
and I just don't have much ambition to look anymore. So instead I am going to blog. its always fun.

Today I made a fire in our fire place. (it took me a few tries but I did it! ) now I am trying to sit as close to it as possible, or however far my laptop cord will let me go.

I have been eyeballing these adorable rings. And this.

I am wear this a fantastic necklace from Africa.(Thanks B. I love it. )

Cannot Believe how grown up these sweet girls are.
Hales, you look Phenomenal. 

Haley and I
 2 years ago?

I am hoping for snow.
yes crossing my fingers that when I get out of bed and peek out my window that there will be snow on the ground. Had a little bit of over excitement with my roommates last night (or me freaking out and them laughing at me......) that CHRISTMAS is almost here.*and it ended with us playing a game that made us all look like we were drunk. pretty dang funny. Thanks Bekah for the funny games that you learn how to play when you go backpacking.

This past weekend my mom came up to visit me. It was a great time, we laughed. ALOT. especially Make it or break it. I almost peed my pants in Cosco. Pretty darn funny.

                                                off to make food. hope life is fantastic.

* I think its safe to say that I love Christmas. I love the Christmas music, the decorations, all of the stores that have Christmas sales, and last but not least Jesus. everything that comes with it. including egg-nog and a fire. Its the anticipation that leads up to it that i love.

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