Tuesday, July 26, 2011

our wedding week- part 1

ahhh...first post since I got married. Thats a strange thing- I got married and now have a husband. well from the last time i updated my blog until alot has happened. I mean alot has happened.
 I will first start off with saying planning a wedding is pretty hectic.. and i think that it is very easy to get consumed with stupid little details. and I did it- so thats why I can say that they are stupid. every wedding I went to I cannot remeber what the floral arangments looked like, or what the center pices looked like, or what food was served- lame. But what I can remember is the first look of the groom as his bride walks down the isle, their first dance and then them leaving and how happy they looked.
so why do we so easily get consumed with silly little things? well I think thats its all the wedding blogs, magazines, and everyhting else that adds to it.
and it is very safe to say that I learned that those things dont matter. I feel like on the day I got married all that I cared about was the fact that all of my dearest friends were there, and I was marrying th man of my dreams.
well about 5 days before the wedding thats what I realzied and I clung to that.
 I think that God was teaching me and is teaching me alot. the week before my wedding I was busy planning away. my sweet mom had come into town and we were just hanging out and the house, doing wedding things.
Brandon and I were going to this coffee shop to work on our vows together. we are sitting there for a while and then we notice a large billow of smoke coming from the mountains. If you didnt know this our wedding locatin was in the jemez mountains. and it was going to be beautiful! we had just spent all day saturday working away at it, and getting it all ready.
Brandon looks up on google "fire in Los Alamos country" and sure enough the jemez mountains are on fire. 10 years ago there was a fire here and it burnt down half of the town, so to say that people here scare easy would be an understatement..and its because their homes burned down(freak out- understandable)
so we stayed calm(well he did) and we went on like usual and then we had a couples shower that night down in white rock (about 15 minutes away from LA) and we are sitting outside and it is raining ash..
no joke. raining ash.
Brandon quickly pulls me aside and starts to talk me though a possibility of plan B for our wedding. (imiagine your a week away from your wedding. and then your wedding location is clsoe to the fire, and you may have to change venues..yup loads of emotions)
so I had a bit of a melt down, or I am not sure what to call it. For me it was like whatever Brandon was saying was what I was holding onto. I told him that I needed to cry- that I had dreamed of this day being perfect since i was a little girl and that I had a right to cry. he agreed and said cry as much as you need too.
so we sat where no one could really see us, and I cried, and cried hard on my soon to be husband shoulder.
after that it was game time, I no longer cared about much else other than the fact that we are safe.
as we are driving back to our house( I wasn't living in our house yet...I was living at Brandons dad house just a block away) I see flames coming over the mountain. I could literally see individual flames lighting things on fire- then a little bit of panic began to set it.
I am going to back track and say it is awesome to see how quickly people surround you with love. Right when we found out that evacuation was a possibility there were 4-5 people around us just talking us through it (when I say us I mean me. Brandon was so stinkin calm.) and I was so blessed to have Amy there (Amy gilbert) because she quickly began to just pray. pray for everything it was very touching to know that God is in control of this- even the fire. He knew that this fire was going to happen and I had to trust and know that God wants nothing but great things for me. and I really had to try hard to see it. 
Brandon calmly said "Christian I am going to need you to go and pack everything of yours up at my dad's house and then meet me back at the house- so we can pack up there"
so I did just that.
threw everything that my mom and I had into suitcases, and laundry baskets.and we were at our house now, and doing the same thing.
we knew that if they said we needed to evacuate that everyone would be leaving all at once and we could be stuck in traffic for a while. so we filled up our cars and while Brandon was filling up his truck he saw a bear running down the street- no joke its because they were fleeing from the fire.
But after we had everything packed up we took video of our house (in case it burned down) and just sat around and listened to the radio. We didn't end up leaving that night we weren't in any immediate danger so we went back to the house tried to sleep and went on as semi-normal as we could.
the next morning my mom and I decided to go grab some coffee and on our way there we say the military rollin in hot. there were about 6 military trucks coming in and honestly this struck a little bit of fear into me. haha I called brandon and said that we should leave, he was busy planting the daisys that he had grown from seed so we were going to wait until he was done and then leave.
and we did....
to be continued..(because this post is already far too long)

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