Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nothing makes sense without you. It's like waking up in the dark. has been a while since I've posted a blog onto here. hmmm... where to start?
Life has been pretty good. had a fantastic visit to New Mexico(I will say this truthfully...the longer time I spend with Brandon the harder time I have leaving)
I would just like to brag about him(hope you don't mind B) but he is a phenomenal photographer.
 really he is.
 He is doing an art show soon and has printed out a bunch of his picture from Africa and is stretching them himself. (impressive? yup. its pretty dang tough.... he showed me how to do it! )
 but he also has a website.
 with all of his fantastic photos.
 really every single one of them I want(good thing I have the hook up with the photographer=))
haha but no they are great.
take a gander at his website and look through his pictures, your heart will melt when you see them. mine does every time!

on another note.
 Ive been trying to be more spontaneousness.
 A result of that is another ear piercing, staying up late with my roommates and doing things that are very fun, and well you just need to know what Im talking about to understand. but I'm not about to tell you on my blog. ( know what I'm talking about! ), and cutting off my hair at midnight.
 ahhh. here are some pictures.
and why yes I had my roommate cut it off.... thank you gretta!!!

how it looks now!
 (this yes indeed was taken in a coffee shop...come on. the internet at my house isn't working. so I bum off of coffee shops.) 

Despite a few moments of freaking out(ie Gretta starting cutting, I ran my fingers through and started laughing really hard...I tend to do that when I freak out a bit. and kept saying its a nubbin in a pony tail! and staring at the ground thinking "ooh my gosh. there is all the hair that was on my head". ) Kaley and Gretta just kinda stared while I was just saying random stuff. Kaley just kept saying "Christian its so cute. its so cute. I love it!" and so did gretta. Thanks for the moral support in that brief moment of panic.
But I love it.
It will grow back, its hair and it does that.  
But so far so good. whew. 
Pros to short hair:
It takes 10 minutes to blow dry.
I don't use as much conditioner
It wont make a nice little dread in the back of my head
It doesn't get annoying when it gets everywhere like my long hair used to.

Cons to short hair:
Its not long.
So far so good. I like it, 
would like to also brag about another sweet girl I did summer staff with. Her name is Carrie, and would like to say is easily one of the coolest people I know. ps you make one heck of a good cup of coffee.(oh what I Would to do be sitting on the rocking chairs in from of the gold cup chatting about life drinking chai. oh so great) 
She has a quick whit, can make anyone laugh , and has such a big heart, and her love for people its contagious. 
Carrie my dear. I seriously hope we intern together. you are fantastic. and super sad I cannot have coffee with you on a regular basis. check out her sweet blog!

ahhhhh off to do homework, then class. and hopefully out hot water heater will be fixed today because ice cold showers make my hear hurt. yes I washed my hair in the bathtub today BECAUSE we have 0. I mean 0 hot water. it was so cold the back of my head hurt. what?! why does that happen? 
Hope today is great, and you hum this little number.

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