Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom

    This song has been on replay for a few hours.
 LOVE IT. I also am really liking her hair in this video. Super cute. 

I have been eying her hair. Its so dang cute!  
eh. we will see.

These Pictures are amazing. 
 I am going to see this fantastic band play tomorrow night. 

And I got to talk to one of my favorite people today! and it was great. Love my little brother. So proud of the man that he is today. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

You are breaking me down.

 Yesterday it was Brandon and I's one year. We celebrated by going to a thrift store and picking out each other clothes and wearing them out to dinner and a movie. It was pretty fun. The orange shoes and hat really did it, the dress was not bad at all.
He looked fantastic in some really great man capris. and a sweet vest. If we are being honest I would have thought that it would have been a lot worse. ( I was thinking a silky onesie, and a tutu. whew)  But it was fun, we had a great time. It was fun to just be together. I am so excited for the day I no longer have to say goodbye to him. 
So for the present i wanted to do something that was meaningful. Because I mean, come on 1 year is a big deal. 

So I got this idea, from this blog, but just did it my own way, a little bit.and I wanted to do a few trial runs with it I guess.
I think that the one she does is  adorable, and I want to make one for my own house someday(even if some people say it may be tacky) I think its cute. The first one was a tad bit crooked, and yeah. But if you have not heard this song before you should. It is great.

This one was his present, and I really like how it turned out. This was the last one that I made.

This was the 2nd one I made, and I like it a lot more than the first one. BUT i went to a thrift store, found some sweet frames. went to Michaels bought some canvas, and then spray painted the frames the colors that I wanted them to be. Then started painting away. I thought they turned out pretty good.
 I also made him a card. that I really like, and I though that it turned out cute.

I got to go home for a few days, and it was great. To hang out with my sweet brother, and family. It was fun to see them.

We took our Christmas card photo, there are ones with all of us, my dad included.I just didn't wan to to put them up here yet!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Break me into pieces that will grow in the ground

I am sitting on my couch with a cup of warm tea within reach listening to sweet JJ Heller this song is fantastic.(scroll down a bit, then you can watch the live video...its great.such a talented artist)

But last weekend Brandon was here, and it was great. We just hung out together, went shopping, just relaxed. and enjoyed one another. I think its a great sign when you can do nothing and still have fun. Its just the people your with.

Sidenote: I am just so thankful for the sweet girls that I have been introduced through Brandon. At first I was a little weary, as in it would always be guys, Brandon, and me.  But no thank thank the Lord theses guys have significant others who are fantastic.(the guys are fantastic also, and so funny. really I laugh so hard when I am around them!but lets be honest your wives are freakin bomb.)  One in particular is Erin. I didn't know her, but attender her wedding, and then got to know her as our interactions became more and more common. and I am just so thankful for the sweet friendship that has developed. I can truthfully saw that If we lived close to each other, we would be best friends. just love our conversations, and our time together. SOOO excited to see you next weekend Erin!

Its funny to look back through Brandon and I's pictures from the past year.... This picture was the first time we hung out=) such a great weekend together.

Weekly surf:

These pictures are so beautiful, and some so heartbreaking.

This is going to be my next DIY project

I would like to someday have a wall like this, so that I can display adorable family photos.

Loving this vest, and the cute denimn shirt underneath it.

Next time Brandon and I are together... I would like to make this. (even if its for little kids...come on we all don't have fancy ice cream makers!)

These pictures make my heart leap with joy because they are so dang adorable.

Still digging these sweet cameras.

hope your week was fantastic.