Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let's dream together

Lately I have been dreaming. It's a fun thing to do especially with people. A few years ago a dear friend of mine said" let's dream together." That's how passion begins..dreaming something up. It creates, hope, a hunger, and passion. It creates relationships, it created Kingman Young Life. It helps make us who we are. I dream of the future, sometimes its "oh, if only I do this 1 thing", or if only I worked out more, read a little more, dig deeper in those relationships. Now my dreaming consist of what the married life is going to be. In only 2 1/2 short months. What my community in Los Alamos will look like. Finally leading again. I dream of someday writing a book. I don't know about what, and  I don't know if it can ever happen. But I can dream. I dream of people being inspires by this book I may someday write. This will be a book that people recommend to another. and there on the back will be a picture of me next to the about the author. It will be a picture of me and my husband and my kids. 
I dream of what my life In Los Alamos will look like. 
waking up every morning with my bare feet steeping into the cold hard wood floors, walking downstairs, grabbing a mug filling it up with coffee and creamer then snuggling up next to my husband. We will sit there and just look out the window together, and just be for those few minutes before our day becomes crazy. He will leave for work then I will make my way into the kitchen plop down into a chair pull out my bible and read read, and then start my day. I will grab Cash (our soon to be golden retriever who we are going to rename Jake...) Then go on a nice long walk together. He will be my buddy during the day. Then school, maybe work, young life, or whatever that day may hold. 
It seems very easy for me to dream up what my mornings will look like.not too sure why. 
 I dream of Leading again, Having sweet passionate friendships with those beautiful girls. my heart aches to lead again. I dream of our home being a safe place. Where any of our young life kids can come over, any time. Just to hang out, or when they had that really hard day. That they will feel safe there, that conversations will be started . 
I dream of our home being used for ministry.
 I dream of what life will look like when I no longer have to say good-bye to the man who I have come to love so deeply, 
and being Mrs.Stone. 
Christian Marie Stone. its goes great doesn't it?
my wedding, of course I dream about it, the way Brandon will look at me while I walk down the isle to him. People will say it was the most beautiful wedding they have ever seen. 
I dream about the moment when Brandon and I find out we are having a baby. that we created life.
There are lots of things to dream about.
be passionate about something.
follow what you think your called to do, even if it may not be the best plan.
Jesus wants nothing but beautiful things for us.
Trust that.
  I am speaking to myself what I say all of this stuff. 

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