Thursday, December 5, 2013

As deep cries out to deep, we sing come Lord Jesus come.

I've just spent the last few hours walking along the beach just admiring how amazing it is. 
I am blown away how mighty and strong the ocean is, nothing can withstand the power of it. Eventually anything that is in it's way is broken down. 
I am reminded that this is how Christ is. He is mighty and strong. 
In our  town we have had 3 kids under 20 commit suicide in less than a year. 
Three kids that have left us far too soon, and people are utterly broken and shells.
It strikes fear it a lot or people, including me. 
We don't really know what is going on in their hearts. It just takes a few seconds of utter hopelessness.
BUT we know that there is a battle, a true battle between Christ and satan.
We do know that in the end WE WIN.
But until the end comes how much war will there be? 
How many lives will be gone? 
We are called by Christ to stand our ground, and shed light and truth. 
My heart is so sad, and so broken for the family that lost their son yesterday, and the families that are reliving the loss of their children through this tragedy. 
As I was walking along the beach these lyrics kept pounding through my head. 
'All who are weary and all who are weak, come to the fountain and dip your heart into the stream of life. Let the pain and the sorrow be washed away. By the waves of his mercy, as the deep cries out to deep. We sing come Lord Jesus come.'
Prayers for these families are needed.